Hannover Functional Programming Meetup

This is a group for anyone interested in functional programming and related technology.

We are organizing a monthly meetup to share our current projects and interests, to discuss functional programming in general, and to provide guidance on learning.

We are currently invested in the following technology, but what we offer changes with who is attending:

Our events will usually be held in German, but we are happy to switch to English!

You may join our events at: meet.foremny.me/hannover-functional-programming-meetup

Projects Sneak.Page

Future Events

and -2 more in 2022

Past Events

Wed, Dec 21, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Sneak.Page (Marvin)

Slot 2: –

and 15 more in 2022

Wed, Nov 30, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: atools (Alexander)

Slot 2: –

Wed, Nov 9, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Sneak.Page (Marvin)

Slot 2: –

Wed, Oct 19, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Miso (Alexander)

Slot 2: Weblate (Alexander)

Wed, Sep 28, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Template Haskell (Alexander)

Slot 2: MongoDB (Alexander)

Wed, Sep 7, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: elm-graphql (Alexander)

We are going to take a look at how to use Dillon Kearns’ elm-graphql to generate type-safe code representing a GraphQL-schema.

Slot 2: Sneak.Page (Marvin)

We are going to continue working on Sneak.Page.

Optional Book club: DATA AND REALITY (W. Kent) For anyone interested, we are going to discuss the first chapter 3 NAMING.

Wed, Aug 17, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1 + Slot 2: Workshop Gruppenaufteilung (Günter)

Meine Schwester ist Coach und veranstaltet Workshops. Diese haben mehrere Runden. Die Teilnehmer finden sich in nahezu gleich großen Gruppen zusammen. Dabei soll jede in jeder neuen Runde mit immer wieder anderen Personen zusammen treffen. Das Problem finde ich sehr spannend, man kann es mathematisch und programmatisch angehen.

Wed, Jul 27, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: atools (Alexander)

I am working on a small set of personal, plain-text-based and CLI productivity tools and want to share my latest updates.

Slot 2: Sneak.Page (Marvin)

We will continue working on sneak.page.
Last time we started with the Supabase integration and might continue.

Source: https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/sneak.page/
Mockups: https://www.figma.com/proto/xa7WL6OE4tMpX2WScvv3zr/Sneak.Page?node-id=19%3A23979&viewport=-699%2C385%2C0.4106914699077606&scaling=min-zoom

Optional Book club: DATA AND REALITY (W. Kent)
For anyone interested, we are going to discuss the second chapter 2 THE NATURE OF AN INFORMATION SYSTEM.

Wed, Jul 6, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Elm compiler (Fabian)

We will have a look at the source code of the elm compiler. The goal is to get an idea of its structure and see if we can do little adjustments to change part of Elm’s Kernel code. In particular we will try to give Cmds a Task-like API.

Slot 2: Elm editor (Michael)

Elm Editor is a web-based editor for Elm programs. It helps novice programmers by automating the setup and configuration of the various tools that make up a complete development environment. We will take a look under the hood and learn how Elm Editor integrates development tools and implements the functionality enhancing our productivity and helping us navigate our projects. If you want to test-drive Elm Editor in advance, check out the demo at https://elm-editor.com

Optional Book club: DATA AND REALITY (W. Kent) For anyone interested, we are going to discuss the first chapter 1 ENTITIES.

Wed, Jun 15, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1 + Slot 2: NEAT (Alexander) NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies is a generic algorithm for the evolution of artificial neural networks featuring topological crossover, innovation preservation and incremental topology development. We are going to take a cursory look at the key concepts of the algorithm described in the 2002 paper.

Wed, May 25, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Supabase (Marvin)
Supabase calls itself the Open Source Firebase Alternative. It offers the following services: database, authentication, storage and functions. The inspiration came from this song. I will prepare a few slides but the focus is in slot 2 where we will gain hands-on experience with Supabase.

Slot 2: Sneak.Page (Marvin)
In today’s session we will try to implement Supabase into sneak.page. By doing so we will get a better understanding of Supbase. I will prepare a tenant so that we can jump right into it.

Wed, May 4, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Design Patterns (Peter)

Slot 2: PostgREST (Alexander) We are going to take a look at PostgREST, a web server application that turns your PostgreSQL database into a RESTful API.

Wed, Apr 13, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Project Fluent (Fabian)

We will take a look at Project Fluent, a solution for offering websites in different languages and localizing things like numbers, dates, etc.. In particular we will try to find out which use cases can be easily done with it and which not, and we will see how one can integrate fluent in an Elm application using https://github.com/wolfadex/fluent-web/.

Slot 2: Sneak.Page (Marvin)

We will continue with our real-live Elm web app sneak.page which shows info about past and upcoming sneak previews. Feel welcome to have a look at the source and mockup. Integrating Project Fluent and Weblate directly into sneak.page after Fabian’s talk is planned and maybe even more. I will prepare my IDE and you can tell me what to do. 👌

Wed, Mar 23, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: composable-forms (Alexander)

We are going to take a look at the Elm package hecrj/composable-form which allows us to define type-safe, composable forms in Elm with ease.

Slot 2: composable-forms (Alexander)

In the second session, we are going to take a look at the limitations of composable forms, and how we can overcome them by forking the excellent underlying API.

Notes are available from our GitHub repository.

Wed, Mar 2, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup

Slot 1: Elm Silent Teacher (Michael)

In this session, we are going to have a look at Silent Teacher, a minimalist game that aims to teach the core concepts of coding, with not a single explaination given.

Slot 2: Meetup Integration (Alexander)

A new year, a new meetup.. a new website! We’re going to take a look at the infrastructure that we can write this year. Hopefully, we can pick up a few new tools on our way!

Wed, Feb 9, 7:00 PM CET/CEST Online meetup: Planning 2022


with our initial session this year, we want to plan a bit what we would like to do.

In this online get-together, we want to bring our ideas and concrete topics for upcoming sessions, so that we can assign topics to the available slots of this year.

Remember, we care about what YOU want to SHOW as well as what YOU want to SEE in particular!

Ideally, we come up with some 15 - 25 topics so that we sketch up a rough program for all of 2022. We will make adjustments as we go, I am sure, but let’s have lots of ideas to discuss and prioritize from for this initial planning session.

This would be an opportune time for you to introduce yourself as well, as you can shape the program of this meetup, as well as to let us know what interests you, so that we can accommodate for that.

Topics don’t necessarily have to be strictly related only to functional programming. Functional programming is the theme that we want to keep throughout the entire meetup, and not necessarily the theme that every presentation has to conform to.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

The online location (URL) for video conferencing will be announced shortly before the event.